What is the meaning of smh
What is the meaning of smh

what is the meaning of smh

When playing a game online, you can use this acronym to express your disapproval of any context or joking environment. In online games like Roblox, SMH stands for “Shaking My Head.” You may also see it written out as “SMH.” SMH Meaning on Roblox In texting and social media, SMH can be used in response to something someone has said that you don’t like or find funny. SMH refers to “shaking my head” which is also known as rolling one’s eyes or making a face. Before then, the phrase was rare in text messages and on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook Messenger-but now it’s everywhere! You’ll often see people using this expression when they’re posting memes about things happening in their lives (or just thinking about them). SMH has been around since 2014 but didn’t become popular until 2016. While nobody tells us where it came from, it was probably coined around the same time as “facepalm,” another Internet expression. The Urban Dictionary first listed SMH in 2004 with the same meaning as today’s iteration. The phrase can be used to express disagreement with someone’s point of view or actions, disapproval of something they’ve done, sarcasm towards someone else’s comment (often used as a response to something stupid), or anything else that you might find yourself shaking your head at today! SMH History & Origin

What is the meaning of smh